Lydia’s House brought stability, the love of Christ, and reunification with my family. This nonprofit agency has taught me how to take care of myself. When you are in a certain state of mind where your lifestyle has become unmanageable, you are not able to do everyday activities. Sometimes something as simple as going to bed and getting enough sleep is difficult; especially when you don’t know where you are going to sleep.

Today my life is different. I’m confident and no longer hold on to anger regarding my difficult upbringing. I forgive myself and I thank God he allowed me to go through the pain He did. I am only the way I am today because of the experiences I have faced. Today I stand here an educated woman. I graduated from Cal Poly University (Go Mustangs!), making the Deans List every quarter. Today I’m applying for Grad School to receive my license in social work to help treat those who have been through trauma.

I’m proud to say that I am fulfilling God’s prophecy I spoke over myself when I gave my Lydia’s House graduation speech. My goal is to help as many people as I can overcome trauma. My ultimate goal is to have my own practice as a clinical social worker who specializes in EMDR and work with trauma patients. I’m thankful for the opportunity Lydia’s House gave me. I know without their guidance my life and my outcome might look different.

Thank you Bride Church for forever being my family. I want to thank the women who still continue to have contact with me even though I have lived in Santa Barbara County the last five years. Some bonds cannot be broken. Also I want to thank God. I know His plans were better than I could ever imagine.


Lydia’s House saved my life. It took me off the path of destruction. God used Lydia’s House and my fellow sisters in the home to show me that there IS a life full of new beginnings. I found healing from my past trauma, forgiveness, and God showed me that there are truly good people in this world that He can use to show you His love and grace. For me, this program taught me that even though I will continue to mess up, it doesn’t have to go back to the way it was before. I know now, that I’m a child of God and that I’m important and redeemed.

Thank you to Pastor Bob and Terry for creating this wonderful, life saving home for women. Thank you staff and faithful servants that run this home for answering God’s call on your lives. Lydia’s House is making a change for these women and our children and future generations. To God be the glory!


God used Lydia’s House to save me and pull me out of the pit I was in. Lydia’s House became family. Without God using Lydia’s House, I don’t think I would have come this far. I know if I ever need help, Lydia’s House would be there with open arms to love me right where I’m at. Lydia’s House always made me feel safe. The women that work at Lydia’s House have taught me how to get closer to God, which is the most amazing gift anyone could give me.

Lydia’s House is not just a recovery home; it’s a discipleship home. I feel that it is a discipleship home first and something I truly needed in order to stay clean and sober. Lydia’s House will always feel like home and will always be in my heart.


Lydia’s House to me means family. Before I was in Lydia’s House I was broken, lost, and at my lowest; being there has taught me how to have a close relationship with God and has given me life-tools to navigate through life’s hard moments that could easily take me back into addiction. It’s taught me how to break each hard moment, feeling, and trigger that I may run into to be successful. I’m thankful for what God does through Lydia’s house: to save other lost & broken women like I once was.


When I think about Lydia’s House and the time I spent under their roof, I think of “God’s grace.” Because that is exactly what it was for me. I experienced heartache and addiction a few years before moving into Lydia’s House and I honestly feel like things had gotten so bad, that I was no longer in control of anything in my own life. I had given up.

The women at Lydia’s House are all about meeting you right where you’re at in your mess and walking alongside you. Teaching others that they matter and that we are all sons and daughters of the Most High. I was loved and reminded that I am a Child of God.


Lydia’s House is love. Lydia’s House is my family. I have been to over a dozen programs, been to prison, and none of them showed me the love and healing like the staff at Lydia’s house and the Bride Church. Thank you Sara Jellsey for never giving up on me and always believing in me. When I wanted to give up she held me up and showed me how to keep going. I learned a lot from these amazing women. Thanks to the Bride Church, Pastor Bob and Terry, and everyone involved with me during my stay at Lydia’s House. Lydia’s House is love, family, and stability.


When I hear the song “House of Miracles,” I think of LH. This is a house of worship, a house of healing. You have our full attention, You have the final say. Your kingdom triumphs over even the coldest grave. WE BRING EVERYTHING TO THE FEET OF JESUS… God I believe you are working all things for good. I fix my eyes on Heaven, Lord I receive your vision.

My time spent at Lydia’s House gave me a safe place to sit at the feet of Jesus in all my brokenness, hopelessness, and trauma. By learning who Christ is, I began to fully grasp who I am. Created in His likeness. I learned to fully depend on Him and who He says I am and no longer was I defined by my mistakes and my addictions, nor by the lies of the enemy. I submitted to program and slowly began to surrender. I began to build a relationship with my Creator and learned obedience and trust (that was huge for me). I dove into His word which began a beautiful transformation.

As a result I have found salvation, redemption, forgiveness, and complete restoration in every aspect of my life; including my relationships with my brother and my children. 2½ years clean and sober. Lydia’s House is my house of miracles, it was my miracle, my life is forever changed. Proverbs 3:5-6.


Lydia’s House surrounded me with the support I needed to find my way back to the Lord and come to understand my worth and value as a mother, a friend, and a daughter of God. I will always be grateful for the examples of selfless love I was shown while at Lydia’s House. Lydia’s House was my doorway back to a better, more meaningful life.
